Fouad AbdulWahed

فؤاد عبد الواح

فؤاد عبد الوهاب، مغني يمني وُلد في تعز عام 1987، أسر الجماهير بموهبته البارزة منذ سن مبكرة. بدأ رحلته الفنية عندما كان عمره ستة عشر عامًا، حيث شارك في المهرجانات والاحتفالات والأعراس، ومثل اليمن في مؤتمرات فنية دولية مختلفة. تحقق فؤاد النجاح الكبير عام 2010 عندما فاز بمسابقة الغناء البارزة "نجم الخليج" التي نظمتها تلفزيون دبي واستمرت لمدة 13 أسبوعًا. منذ ذلك الحين، أصدر عدة أغانٍ ناجحة، بما في ذلك "مثل السماء"، "آية أحبك"، و"يا سدافة". صوته الفريد وأداؤه المؤثر ما زالا يلامسان قلوب المعجبين عبر الخليج وخارجه.                                                                                                                                               

Foad Amdlwahed

The artist, Fouad Abdulwahed, born in1987, began his singing career after winning first place in the “Gulf Star” singing talent competition and participating in several festivals and Gulf and Arab singing programs. He received great praise for his talent and vocal capabilities from a large group of the most influential stars in the Arab world, including the artist Muhammad Abdo, the artist Abu Bakr Salem, and the artist Asala, along with members of the jury of the “Gulf Star” competition, artists Abdullah Al-Ruwaished, Fayez Al-Saeed and Angham. Then he launched into the world of professionalism through a group of solo songs that achieved great Gulf and Arab successes. He presented a group of drama series sequences starring the most influential stars of the Gulf, and he filmed many songs in a video clip, which achieved great success on YouTube. Among the successful single songs, he released his first album with the Rotana Audio-Visual Company, entitled "Fouad Abdel Wahid 2016" and his second album, "Fouad Abdel Wahid 2020". Through his songs, he achieved a broader spread in the Gulf and the Arab world.